Experts noted that the price of eggs will decrease from the beginning of March, but due to the holidays, in particular Easter, and the sending of products abroad, the prices did not decrease, Ukrainian farmers report.
Experts note that the value of quality carrots, which were harvested from the 2022 harvest, is increasing again, the EasyFruit platform reports.
Since the beginning of this week, farmers from the western regions of our country have started selling berries grown in open ground. In fact, the sale of berries began at the beginning of May, but it was exclusively strawberries from greenhouses, the cost of which reached 190 hryvnias per kilogram, experts from the EastFruit platform note.
Ukrainian chain stores this month began to slightly reduce prices on popular products, such as eggs, cereals and sugar. Thanks to the monitoring of experts from the platform, it became known where you can find products with the currently lowest price.
In our country, the price of the main product on the tables of Ukrainians will increase slightly in the near future. Specialists from the scientific center "Institute of Agrarian Economics" note a 4% increase in the cost of bread since the beginning of the year.
Ukrainian farmers and distributors say that the gradual decrease in the price of young cabbage is a natural and common phenomenon, since almost all regions of our country have joined the sale of this product, while at the same time constant deliveries from Zakarpattia region continue, experts from the project report. EasyFruit".
According to the data of the State Customs Service, at the moment since the beginning of the season, our country has sent more than 43 million tons of grain abroad, including 1.5 million tons this month, according to the Ministry of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine
The cost of young potatoes is currently 10 times higher than the cost of potatoes from last year's harvest. It should also be noted that other early vegetables are not so expensive and there is no price gap, experts from the AgroTimes platform report.