
The first million tons of Ukrainian food

In approximately one month of the grain initiative, almost 45 ships headed for 15 different countries left 3 Ukrainian ports

29.08.2022 16:06
A record number of ships passed towards the Ukrainian Danube ports

Thanks to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the Danube-Black Sea waterway has become open

29.08.2022 16:04
The USA will contribute 68 million dollars to the World Food Program for the purchase of Ukrainian wheat

United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said: "We will buy $68 million worth of wheat from Ukraine..."

23.08.2022 12:01
To the attention of importers of food products - market operators

New rules are starting to apply in Ukraine

23.08.2022 11:58
Representatives of the World Food Program will resume their work in Ukraine

It is precisely such representations that make it possible to help Ukrainians in a timely manner.

18.08.2022 19:50
After a record growth in March, global food prices continue to fall

As reported by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in July of this year the food price index became lower

18.08.2022 19:46
20 vessels with a cargo of export grain are ready to leave Odesa

A ship with Ukrainian grain has not yet arrived in Tripoli.

16.08.2022 15:52
The European Commission will create transport "solidarity routes" with Ukraine to increase food exports

The European Commission decided to create solidarity routes to help Ukraine

16.08.2022 15:49