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  • The price of cabbage in Ukraine began to decline

The price of cabbage in Ukraine began to decline

28.10.2024 10:25

This week, the price of white cabbage in Ukraine is falling. This is due to the surplus of products on the market. This is reported by analysts of the EastFruit project.

Now the price of white cabbage ranges from 15 to 23 UAH/kg, which is on average 16% lower than in previous weekends. Market participants explain that such a wide price range is due to differences in the quality characteristics of the vegetables offered.

According to the project analysts, most farmers are still actively harvesting cabbage, which increases the supply on the market. At the same time, the demand for cabbage remains very low. Most farmers sell low-quality cabbages, while wholesalers and retail chains are only willing to buy small batches due to the limited sales period.

However, as noted above, the current price of white cabbage in Ukraine is on average 2.9 times higher than in the same period last year.

At the same time, market players do not exclude the possibility of lower prices for cabbage in the coming years due to active harvesting and improving weather conditions.

As a consequence, the supply of cabbage in the market will gradually increase, and if the situation with the speed of sales does not change, farmers will be forced to continue lowering prices.

Source: Agronews.ua

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