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  • 2025 will be a difficult year for Ukrainian pig farmers

2025 will be a difficult year for Ukrainian pig farmers

25.10.2024 10:27

Ukraine's pig population is shrinking, and business is gearing up for a challenging 2025, as the country faces an unbalanced budget with a deficit of UAH 500 billion.

Richer societies have always consumed more meat and dairy, while poorer societies have consumed more bread and pasta. Experts do not anticipate an increase in pork production next year, given the purchasing power of Ukrainians.

ASF is a problem for large livestock enterprises. Pig farming in Ukraine is almost entirely focused on domestic production, with small volumes of pork imports and exports.

During periods when domestic supply is growing and exceeds demand, the price of this type of meat falls, consumption increases, and consumers turn away from poultry meat, which is cheaper than pork.

Due to the outbreak of ASF, pork exports from Ukraine were interrupted, and enterprises are forced to sell it on the domestic market. The average retail price of pork will not reach 300 UAH per kilogram either until the New Year or the following winter.

At such prices, pork will not find many buyers, and consumption will be significantly reduced and will resume after the end of the war and the demobilization of pig farmers.


Source: Agronews.ua

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