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For all questions please call +380 50 411 63 93 Natalia. Country of origin: Germany Can be used for all colored and white products made of cotton, linen, synthetics. Contains lavender essential oils, which give things a gentle, unobtrusive scent after washing. Gently removes dirt from tissues with biological soap and sugar surfactants. The tool is suitable for all colored and white products made of cotton, linen, synthetics and fabric mixtures. Effective even in low temperature washing (30 ° C-40 ° C) and washing in hard water. Gently removes dirt from tissues with vegetable soap and sugar surfactants. Temperature regimes: 30 ° C-60 ° C-95 ° C degrees. Washing liquid is enough for 120 kg of dry laundry (~ 27 washing cycles).
№1182 Created: 20 April 2022
Was online 23 october 2023 16:05
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