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For all questions please call +380 50 411 63 93 Natalia. Country of origin: Germany Neutral series. Odorless. This product is designed for hand and machine washing of linen from silk, wool and other delicate fabrics. It is recommended to wash clothes with this product at a temperature not exceeding 40º. Due to the fact that the product contains natural olive soap, linen made of wool and silk regains its elasticity and softness. Fabrics made of wool and silk are very delicate due to their composition. They consist of keratin protein, and the top is covered with many scales, which cling to the particles of chemical powders, which makes it difficult to rinse. Later, the clothes begin to lose their shape and softness. Sonett Olive Detergent is designed for safe washing and strengthening of natural fibers. Advantages of funds from TM "Sonett": • safe for health; • break down quickly and do not harm the environment; • concentrated, so economical to use; • made of vegetable and other natural components (do not contain any products of refining oil, ammonia, chlorine, synthetic dyes and flavors, optical brighteners, enzymes, preservatives). Dosage: enough for 17 washing cycles. For washing machines with a load of 4.5 kg: soft water and water of medium hardness: 60 ml. Hard and very hard water: 90 ml. Apply olive organic liquid for washing wool and silk from TM "Sonett" directly to the washing machine, do not use for dry laundry. Add fabric softener to a special compartment of your machine: 40 ml / 1 wash Hand wash: 15-30 ml per 5 liters of water.
№1216 Created: 20 April 2022
Was online 23 october 2023 16:05
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