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For all questions please call +380 50 411 63 93 Natalia. Country of origin: Germany Neutral series. Odorless. Recommended for children (from birth and older), pregnant women and people with allergies or asthma. SONETT products do not contain: surfactants, enzymes, refined petroleum products, phosphates, chlorine, ammonia, synthetic flavors, dyes, preservatives. These drugs are completely destroyed biologically and do not cause allergic reactions. Main advantages: safe for sensitive skin wash 30º - 95º. For all dyed and white products from cotton, flax, synthetics it is perfectly suitable for washing of children's things economically: 2 l of means are enough for washing of 120 kg of dry linen is suitable for washing machines with front and top loading quickly splits and does not harm environment concentrated, therefore economic in use
№1211 Created: 20 April 2022
Was online 23 october 2023 16:05
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