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For all questions please call +380 50 411 63 93 Natalia. Country of origin: Switzerland Supplementary feeding system (SNS). Used to increase or restore lactation, simulating breastfeeding. Stimulates the increase and recovery of lactation. It is used for children with low weight or with sucking problems, as well as for foster children. There are three types of capillaries in the set, different capillaries can be used at different food densities. The additional Medela SNS feeding system helps to strengthen the bond between mother and baby, allowing you to achieve better results when breastfeeding. This system clings to the neck, and thin tubes are placed on top of the nipples. The baby does not feel the tubes during feeding. It is worth using the additional Medela SNS feeding system: for the baby to acquire sucking skills; to stimulate lactation; if the child sucks weakly or irregularly and can not get the full amount of nutrients he needs; for breastfeeding; for long-term feeding of children.
№1237 Created: 21 April 2022
Was online 23 october 2023 16:05
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