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  • Autumn rains in Odessa helped with the planting of winter crops

Autumn rains in Odessa helped with the planting of winter crops

01.10.2024 10:18

Precipitation in the Odessa region from 1 to 19 September fell 77.8 mm, which is 35.8 mm above the monthly norm and significantly replenished the reserves of soil moisture, especially in the stratum corneum. This contributed to the early growth of winter rape and soil preparation for sowing and seedlings of winter wheat.

This is also documented in the NAAS analytical report.

According to the Institute of Climate-Oriented Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, the sowing of winter wheat in the Odessa region takes place under favorable conditions (which is not often observed in recent years) for the preservation of moisture in the sowing layer of the soil, there is also the sowing of winter rye, but the best time for sowing in the region was the end of the second decade of September.

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