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Exports of soybeans from Ukraine decreased

02.05.2023 12:35

The amount of Ukrainian soybeans sent abroad to the countries of the European Union over the last month will be reduced by almost two times due to a decrease in demand from such countries as Romania, Poland and others, experts from «APK-Inform» report.

Two months ago, the amount of Ukrainian soybeans sent abroad increased to the maximum value, approximately to the level of the beginning of 2020 and amounted to 420 thousand tons. Most of the products were sent to Turkey and the EU. During the last season, the maximum amount in recent years, almost 2.5 million tons, was sent, a little less than half of which was to the EU countries.

But currently and in the future, the need for these products will be greatly adjusted due to the fact that some EU countries have imposed restrictions on the import of our products, and the gradual increase in goods from South America.

Thus, over the last month, the amount of export products decreased by approximately two times, in the 4th week of April, only 159,000 tons were shipped. Shipments of products to other countries are also decreasing due to the forced slowdown of the «grain corridor».

Source: agravery.com