25 мл , 200 мл , 1 л (м3)
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The drug has bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal action, is used for manual and machine washing, filling barriers and deck mats, disinfection of transport and premises, rehabilitation of premises in the presence of animals. Retains its activity in intense light, when using hard water, in the presence of organic materials (feed residues, animal excretions, etc.). Ingredient: - isopropyl alcohol - polyhexameethylene biguanidine hydrochloride - water - alkyildimethylbenzyilaenosimonia chloride (benzalconium chloride) - glutary aldehyde - Didicieldimethylane chloride Pharmaceutical properties: disinfection "Multicine". The drug retains its activity in intense light, when using hard water, in the presence of organic materials (feed residues, animal secretions, etc.). MONOCYTOGENES, MYCOPLASMA SPP.), ФУНГІЦИДНУ (CANDIDA SPP., ASPERGILLUS SPP.), ФУСАРИУМ СПП., ПЕНИЦИЛЛИУМ СПП.), І ВІРУЦИДНУ (NEWCASTLE DISEASE VIRUS, POWIRUS, POVERTY, POVERTY SHELF LIFE: Shelf life 3 years. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Dry dark ventilated room at a temperature from 0 ° C to + 30 ° C. MANUFACTURING FORM: 1l jar Compatibility of working solution with materials Metals: steel, stainless steel, galvanized surfaces, non-ferrous metals and their alloys. Plastics: polyethylene, polypropylene. Others: glass, ceramics. Contraindications: Do not use with detergents and acids. Ingestion of eyes, skin or mouth: rinse with 2% baking soda solution and plenty of water. It is forbidden to smoke, drink, eat while working with the drug. METHOD OF APPLICATION Multiclin Aqua - retains its activity in intense light, when using hard water, in the presence of organic materials (feed residues, animal excreta, etc.) Multiclin Aqua is effective in a wide temperature range (from 0 ° to 50 ° C). At temperatures below 0 ° C it is recommended to add antifreeze, which allows you to use Multiclin Aqua even at temperatures down to minus 20 ° C. Machine or manual disinfection / washing: Concentration r / r - 0.25-1%. The maximum effect is achieved when using high-pressure devices such as "Kercher" and others. Foam washing: Concentration r / r - 0,5-1%, Costs - 1 l r / r on 4-6 m2 of a surface; Desirable temperature r / r - 10 ° -20˚С; Exposure - 20-30 minutes At observance of such parameters the expense of means considerably decreases and visual control of quality and completeness of its drawing is provided. Kercher-type high-pressure devices with the use of a foam nozzle are used. Aerosol disinfection is carried out by the method of highly dispersed aerosol spraying (fogging). To achieve a bactericidal effect, use a 20% working solution of the drug at the rate of: 5 ml per 1 m3 of space; 5% working solution of the drug at the rate of 20 ml per 1 m3. Disinfection of vehicles used for transportation of raw materials and finished products is carried out with 0.25% solution of disinfectant at a rate of 0.35 l / m2 and exposure for 20 minutes. Filling desbarriers and deskylims Use 0.5% working solution of the drug, which is changed as it gets dirty or dries every 7 days. Litter treatment Use 5% working solution of the drug at the rate of 12 liters of working solution per ton of sawdust / straw. The tool is applied by spray when forming litter on a pig farm or poultry farm. Disinfection of incubators For disinfection of incubation equipment use 0.5% working solution by means of the foam generating equipment, irrigation or wiping. For disinfection of hatching eggs by irrigation use 5% solution at the rate of 20 ml of working solution per m3. Recommended equipment - "cold fog" generators.
№1924 Created: 9 June 2022
Was online 23 november 2022 15:59
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