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Disinfectant "Iodoklin" 310 UAH

Disinfectant "Iodoklin"

Created: 10 June 2022
Offer type: Sell 
Capacity: 10кг  (м3)
Type of company activity: Manufacture 
Providing of logistic: Delivery partner, Don’t have a possibility 
Availability: In stock 
Country of origin: Ukraine 
Processing Time: 2-3 дні days
The product is used for disinfection and sanitation of livestock premises, enclosures, cages, poultry houses, large premises or areas with a high concentration of animals, barriers, sanitary slaughterhouses, latrine pits, road transport used for transporting animals and poultry. other facilities subject to veterinary supervision. Sanitizer Iodoklin has an absorbent effect: absorbs moisture, odors of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methane and other harmful emissions and gases. Iodocline has a repellent effect - scares away adult insects and destroys their larvae. The drug has: bactericidal action against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas spp., Salmonella typhimurium, Proteus vulgaris, Streptococcus spp, Actinobacillus spp, Bordetellaspemospilus, Bordetella Clochisepplasu Pasteurella multocidia, Salmonella spp, Lawsonia spp, Leptospirae spp, Mycobacterium tub, Brachyspirae spp); antifungal activity against the fungi Fusarium, Aspergillus and Penicillium, etc .; proto- and coccidiostatic action against pathogens of protozoan infections and coccidiosis; antiviral activity against porcinoviruses (Porcine Parvovirus (PPV) and coronavirus (Porcine Respiratory Corona Virus (PRCV) infections of pigs; recommended for use in control and eradication programs for circovirus infection (PCV) and respiratory and reproductive syndrome PR and reproductive syndrome) .; insecticidal and laurocidal action on insects - flies, bloodsuckers, mites, etc. Complex-binding iodine, which is gradually released, has a non-selective oxidizing effect on the protein of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and some anaerobic microorganisms, bacteriobacteria and and their spores, protozoa and some viruses.Due to the evaporation of iodine in the environment is disinfection, remediation and deodorization of air.Composition: 1 kg of the drug contains: iodoform - 0.2%, iron sulfate - 5.0%, Excipients: calcium sulfate, kaolin, zeolite Iodokline is used in the presence of animals and is absolute It is safe for both humans and animals, as the drug contains mineral sorbents, compounds of iron, silicon, calcium. The drug is used for disinfection and sanitation of livestock premises, enclosures, cages, sanitary slaughterhouses, barriers, road transport used for transportation of animals and poultry, meat, meat products. Dosage Rehabilitation is carried out after thorough mechanical cleaning of surfaces. Used by the method of uniform sprinkling of the surface of the disinfectant at a rate of 50-100 g / m2. Before planting birds or bringing animals into the room, the drug is used at a dose of 100 g / m2 for 2-3 days, and then once a week at a dose of 50 g / m2 in the presence of animals. In livestock premises with deep litter, before its renewal, it is recommended to use the drug in the maximum dose - 100 g / m² once a week. Vehicles used for the transport of animals and poultry, meat, meat products, are treated at a dose of 50 g / m²before the start of transportation, exposure 2 hours. SPECIAL WARNINGS! Do not use in sheep breeding.
Created: 10 June 2022
Was online 23 november 2022 15:59
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