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Ingredients 100% cocoa butter. Properties Cocoa butter is a natural product derived from the seeds of the chocolate tree. The oil has a delicate aroma and has excellent healing and cosmetic properties. The tool can have two different consistencies, which directly depend on the temperature, from solid and brittle (16-18 degrees), to oily liquid (when exposed to high temperatures). The product has a powerful therapeutic effect on the body. It prevents colds, atherosclerosis, constipation. The oil is effective in eczema and fungal infections, varicose ulcers and burns, atherosclerosis and cholecystitis, used as an expectorant and antitussive. The content of antioxidants in the product perfectly stimulates the immune system and resists free radicals. In cosmetics, this tool is widely used as a rejuvenating agent, in solving various problems arising from dehydration of the skin. The oil contains a complex of valuable acids and vitamins, thanks to which the oil has an anti-allergic effect and accelerates cell renewal. PROPERTIES: removes cholesterol; provides the necessary blood circulation; normalizes the chair; promotes healing of cracks; strengthens the skin; has a tonic effect; has a warming effect (for colds) - choleretic effect; relieves itching; anesthetizes burns. Recommendations for use Butter can be used in home cooking, as well as in warm drinks (milk, cocoa, etc.). For therapeutic purposes: to soften, lubricate and warm the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Method of application Viral diseases. In case of influenza and ARI, it is necessary to lubricate the mucous tissue of the sinuses with oil. The effect is achieved by creating a kind of barrier against the penetration of viruses into the body. As a remedy for cough. Recipe: 1/2 teaspoon of butter should be melted in a glass of hot milk (in one go). The drink is used for coughs, whooping cough, bronchitis. Problems with the chair. Recipe: one teaspoon of cocoa butter for two to three weeks to take at night, both alone and with tea or milk. Hemorrhoids. Recipe: 1 teaspoon of solid oil to enter the rectum, pre-give the drug the shape of a candle or pencil. Erosion of the uterus. Recipe: Melt 1 teaspoon of oil in a water bath, add sea buckthorn oil (10 drops). The resulting product to soak a tampon and use vaginally at night. The course of treatment is 20 days. Atherosclerosis. Recipe: 1/2 tsp. take oil 20 minutes before meals in the morning and evening 2 times a day. Natural cocoa butter is effective in removing cholesterol and also reduces the formation of plaques in blood vessels. Cholecystitis. Recipe: Melt a tablespoon of oil in a water bath, take early in the morning on an empty stomach. The drug is used as a cholagogue for blind probing: put the warmer on the right side, lie down for 2 hours. Repeat the procedure once a week. Sore throat, sore throat. Recipe: add propolis powder to pre-melted butter in small portions, stirring constantly. One part of propolis contains up to ten parts of oil. Take half a tablespoon an hour after a meal. As a remedy for shallow burns, itching, varicose ulcers, eczema, fungal infections, cracks, breastfeeding mothers. How to use: use externally, gently lubricating the affected areas. Contraindications It is undesirable to use cocoa butter internally in the evening with sleep disturbances and increased arousal. Storage conditions Store in a tightly closed container in a cool place for no more than 2 years. Product form Packing 15 g.
№940 Created: 18 April 2022
Was online 7 august 2023 09:09
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