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For all questions please call +380 50 411 63 93 Natalia. Country of origin: Germany Sonett Concentrated Organic Bleach perfectly removes dirt and stains from tea, coffee, red wine, herbs, fat, blood from white and stained fabrics. Bleaches tissues that are old or yellowed. Completely decomposes in the bleaching process into oxygen, water and soda. Does not contain optical brighteners, synthetic bleach activators and harmful components. Sonett products do not contain α-surfactants, enzymes, refined petroleum products, phosphates, chlorine, ammonia, synthetic flavors, dyes and preservatives, optical brighteners, optical brighteners, GMOs, animal fats based on raw materials, as well as ingredients that cause allergies. Can be used in dishwashers to remove stains from tea and coffee on dishes. How to use: add 60 ml of bleaching complex to the washing powder in the main wash cycle. Soaking: add 30 ml of bleaching complex in a container of 3 liters of warm water. Immerse clothes in the solution. Leave for the night. Then wash as usual. Dishwasher washing: removes old coffee and tea stains from cups. Dosage: add 1 teaspoon (15 ml) of bleaching complex to the dispenser with detergent in the main cycle.
№1197 Created: 20 April 2022
Was online 23 october 2023 16:05
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