In two months of this year, our country sent almost 55% more dairy products abroad than last year for a similar period of time, roughly 16.5 thousand tons. The value of the shipped products has also increased by approximately 34%, currently it is $36 million. The amount of cheese shipped abroad has also increased significantly, according to the experts of the Ukrainian Agrarian Business Club.
Ukrainian manufacturers were able to significantly increase export figures despite the full-scale invasion by the aggressor country.
In February, most of our cheeses were sent to such countries as: Kazakhstan (almost 60%), Moldova (about 20%), Azerbaijan and Jordan (about 5% for each country).
The amount of ice cream sent abroad also increased. This year, this indicator is already 880 tons, which is almost 3 million dollars, and it is 2.4 times more compared to last year's indicators. Such countries as Poland, Israel and Moldova are the main buyers of these products.
The amount of butter shipped in the first two months of this year is 1.8 thousand tons, it increased by 36% and the value by 32% and currently amounts to 9.5 million dollars.