There is no severe soil drought in the Cherkasy region, but due to the lack of rain since May, the situation may become critical, the local hydrometeorological center reports.
So, according to experts, due to the lack of rain, which has been going on for the second month in a row, soil drought has already started to be noted in the fields under early crops.
Moisture reserves are also deteriorating under technical and later crops, for example, in some regions of the Cherkasy region, the soil has become dry at a depth of up to 1 meter, currently moisture is present only in deep layers, but analysts note that the situation is not critical yet.
Currently, the ripening of winter wheat grain continues, for which this level of moisture is not critical, due to very good root systems. Due to not high temperatures and very rare precipitation, the situation did not become as critical as possible for this type of grain.
But the situation is worst for potatoes, as now the temperature is quite high at a considerable depth, which contributes to slowing down and stopping the growth of this vegetable.