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  • The number of cows in Ukraine decreased by 13.5% for the year

The number of cows in Ukraine decreased by 13.5% for the year

06.03.2023 13:45

In February, the purchase price of milk from agricultural enterprises was at the average level — UAH 12/kg without VAT. The raw material of the population was estimated at 8.02 hryvnias/kg on average.

February became the seventh month in a row when the estimated margin of raw milk production decreased. The price of oil on the domestic market of Ukraine has been constantly increasing in recent weeks, which has put pressure on the indicators of estimated profitability.

At the beginning of March, the balance of demand and supply on the raw milk market is still maintained. According to State Statistics Service estimates, 456,000 tons of raw milk were produced in Ukraine in January, which is 12.6% less than in January last year.

According to the categories:
— 227 thousand tons were produced in agricultural enterprises (- 6.6%)
— 229,000 tons (-17.8%) in households

As of February 1, the number of cows in Ukraine was estimated at 1.3 million, which is 13.5% lower than the corresponding date last year. The number of cows in agricultural enterprises amounted to 0.4 million heads (-8.4%).

Source: Agravery.com