Маса одного листа лаваша: 0,100 кг (kg) (kg)
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Total net weight: 10 kg (kg) Weight of one sheet of pita: 0.100 kg (kg) Size of one sheet of pita: length 50 cm, width 30 cm. Storage conditions and shelf life at relative humidity from 65% to 75%: 5 days - t from + 6 ° С to + 28 ° С. Do not freeze again! Ingredients: first grade wheat flour, drinking water, spinach powder (1.6%), table salt, dried parsley (0.5%), table salt. TU U 15.8-23325414-004: 2017 Nutritional value: proteins - 8.4 g (g), fats - 0.9 g (g), carbohydrates - 57.8 g (g). Energy value (caloric content) - 1143 kJ (kJ) / 273 kcal (kcal). The date of manufacture is indicated on the package. The batch number corresponds to the date of manufacture. Permissible negative deviation from the nominal amount - 1.5% (L) WITHOUT GMOs
№1396 Created: 27 April 2022
Was online 4 may 2023 15:45
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