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Trademark DE FRANCESCO COFFEE BEANS “DE FRANCESCO AROMA”, 1 kg. Price - 451 hryvnias. A strong and aromatic drink made from DE FRANCESCO AROMA coffee beans will allow every connoisseur of this drink to enjoy a delicious and rich taste. This blend contains 50% Arabica and 50% Robusta. The medium degree of frying reveals a full bouquet of citrus shades of Arabica, and Robusta gives the fortress. De Francesco Aroma coffee offers the most delicious coffee drink, which will have a stable and velvety foam, as well as a bright aroma and light sourness. COFFEE BEANS “DE FRANCESCO CREMA”, 1 kg. Price - 418 hryvnias. Pleasant chocolate hue and strong rich taste of DE FRANCESCO CREMA coffee beans are especially appreciated by lovers of quality drinks. The blend includes 30% arabica, which is responsible for the aroma and mild taste, as well as 70% robusta, which gives the drink strength and stable foam. The medium degree of frying fully reveals the bright aroma with a chocolate-cream hue. De Francesco Cream coffee beans are perfect for making a strong espresso with a lush foam. COFFEE BEANS “DE FRANCESCO ESPRESSO”, 1 kg. Price - 385 hryvnias. All fans of strong coffee beans will especially like "DE FRANCESCO ESPRESSO". This blend has absorbed selected high-quality grains. It consists of 20% Arabica and 80% Robusta. A blend of five coffees and a medium degree of roasting gives the drink a richer taste and lasting strength. Every fan of real espresso will enjoy the stable and lush foam that comes out when making a drink with coffee beans "De Francesco Espresso". Enjoy the strength and bright aroma of your favorite coffee every day! COFFEE BEANS “DE FRANCESCO QUATTRO”, 1 kg. Price - 352 hryvnias. Ingredients: More robusti Roasting: Dark Taste: Bitter Caffeine: Caffeinated Weight: 1 kg
№701 Created: 31 March 2022
Was online 1 may 2022 02:33
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