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Country of origin: Spain Organic soy milk with agave syrup and calcium is a low-calorie drink that contains many vitamins, rich in fiber and calcium, is a worthy substitute for cow's milk. Agave syrup, which is part of milk, is a natural sweetener that does not cause an increase in blood sugar. Lime algae are an ideal source of calcium, which is necessary for our body. The benefits of soy milk: - easily digested; - improves the condition of the skin and hair; - does not contain lactose; - no cholesterol; - refers to dietary and easily digestible drinks. Use of soy milk: Soy milk is suitable for making sauces, puddings, pancakes, various cereals. It is added to tea and coffee. Can be eaten hot or cold. For all questions please call +380 50 411 63 93 Natalia.
№1008 Created: 19 April 2022
Was online 23 october 2023 16:05
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