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For all questions please call +380 50 411 63 93 Natalia. Country of origin: France For the dishwasher, salt is an essential ingredient that helps to avoid stains on the dishes, as well as prevents the deposition of lime in your dishwasher. Ultraconcentrate for shining dishes. In briquettes. Biodegradable formula. Suitable for all types of machines; effectively and safely removes limescale stains from dishes; prevents the formation of limescale on the elements of the dishwasher; softens water; No dyes. When using salt for the first time, please fill the dishwasher according to size. Check the salt level regularly and top up if necessary. White stains on clean dishes are possible, which means that there is not enough rinse aid or regenerating salt. Control the amount of salt for best results. Helpful Hints: Use regenerating salt, dishwasher tablets and rinse aid together to achieve the best results and preserve the mechanism's performance.
№1179 Created: 20 April 2022
Was online 23 october 2023 16:05
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